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I'm a Certified personal trainer with a passion to help in the sport of life. From age 9 to 90 it doesn't matter all can reach their top performance goals with some help and determination. LIFE'S A SPORT SO GET IN THE GAME.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Take care of what gets you there.

Your feet are one of the most important things we should take care of each day . They take us to work, they walk, stand, carry, lift, climb, work, and exercise. If you neglect your feet—especially during a workout—then your feet with have to deal with blisters,and lasting discomfort on top just being tired and wore out. One of the best ways to care for your feet is to invest in a good pair of shoes.
There is nothing worse than trying to work out when you're experiencing pain in your feet and improper shoes can even lead to possible injury. To improve your workouts, look for a high-quality shoe with a good fit that is made to support the activities you do.

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