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I'm a Certified personal trainer with a passion to help in the sport of life. From age 9 to 90 it doesn't matter all can reach their top performance goals with some help and determination. LIFE'S A SPORT SO GET IN THE GAME.

Friday, May 7, 2010


Wendell Berry CPT
Water, water, everywhere and we should be drinking plenty of it! Why you ask? Well let’s see, our bodies are made up of 55% to 65% water, but it needs your help to enter the body. Water helps keep our bodies stay the correct temperature. It helps our bodies use nutrients and transports waste away. It helps the muscles function and our heart tick! These are just a few of the many reasons why this clear liquid is needed. So, what I’m saying is OUR BODIES HAVE TO HAVE WATER!Oh another thing… did I mention after a couple of days without water you will cease to exist?Did you know your brain is made up of 75% water? The blood in your body has over 80% water and your lungs are a whopping 90%. Somehow we think we can do without it! Many of us go entire days without drinking one glass of water and instead suck down liquids that actually dehydrate the body! Some also think water fills you up and causes you to retain fluid, but that is incorrect! Water actually helps reduce weight. It makes your metabolism work faster and cleans your body of unneeded waste.
Hydration doesn’t always come from the water we drink it can also come from other quality forms such as milk,100% juice, fresh fruits, and veggies! You see the hydration of your body is important and in my estimate over 80% of us don’t reach the bar we need! So come on drink, drink, drink! I know you have heard the saying drink milk it does the body good, but I say drink water it does the body great.

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